All Categories > Administrators > Claim settings
9 articles
You can create an unlimited number of peril options for your claims. Users can select from these options when they create or edit a claim. You must have Administrator rights to add, edit, or delete p…
Updated 3 years ago by Arianne G.
If the Closed Reason menu is enabled, users must select an option from the menu before they can close a claim. The options in this menu are customizable and you can add as many as you like. You must…
The Policy tab in Claim Settings allows you to adjust the coverage settings for the claims in your account. It also allows you to create a list of coverages that claim participants can apply to claim…
Updated 3 years ago
Select the languages your company supports. When you add languages to your account, you must enter translations for each of them before you can publish your claim settings. Click Admin in the left-ha…
Click Admin in the left-hand navigation. Select Claim Settings. Select the Roles tab. Click Add. Type a name in the Role name field. Type a description of the role in the Role Description field. In t…
In the Claim tab of Claim Settings, you can specify which claim information fields appear when a user creates a new claim. You can also determine which fields are required. Click Admin in the left-ha…
In the Policy tab of Claim Settings, you can specify which policy information fields appear when a user creates a new claim. You can also determine which fields are required or editable. Click Admin…
In Xactimate One, stakeholders are the people or companies that hold an invested interest in a claim. When a claim is created, users can assign these people or companies as types of stakeholders. In…
You can create a template for policy numbers in your claims so they all stay in the same format. Click Admin in the left-hand navigation. Select Claim Settings. Click the Policy tab. Click the Genera…
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