All Categories > Administrators > Users
5 articles
You can deactivate users that don't currently need access to your account. When a user is deactivated, they still appear in your list of users, but you can't assign claim roles to them. Click Admin i…
Updated 4 years ago
Click Admin in the left-hand navigation.. Select Users. Click the user's name in the list. After you select a user, you can select other users as well by clicking their check boxes in the list. Click…
Click Admin in the left-hand navigation. Select Users. Select a user's name in the list. Click the edit icon. The Edit User drawer opens. Edit the user's user group or access expiration date. Click S…
Click Admin in the left-hand navigation. Select Users. Click the add icon. The Add User(s) drawer opens. Type one or more email addresses in the Email address field. To add multiple users, press Ente…
A CSV file is a collection of values, such as email addresses, separated by commas. You can easily create a CSV file from most spreadsheet software. Create and add a CSV file. Create a new spreadshee…
Updated 4 years ago by Arianne G.
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