Add a large number of users in Xactimate One claims portal

Updated by Arianne G.

A CSV is a collection of values, in this case email addresses, separated by commas. A CSV file can be created easily from most spreadsheet software.

Create a CSV file using Microsoft Excel

  1. Add the email addresses of your users to a column on a blank sheet. It should look something like this:

  2. Click File
  3. Click Save As.
  4. Enter a file name. For Save as type, select CSV (Comma Separated Values).
  5. Excel can only save a single sheet as a CSV. If you get a multiple sheets warning, click OK to save only the active sheet.
  6. Excel has many features that cannot be saved in a CSV. If you get a warning about features, click Yes to save the CSV without any incompatible features.
  7. You can now drag your CSV file to bulk add users.

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